Controls (version 1.0):  W A S D  and  K L ;

W: drive forward,
S: drive backward,
A: drive leftward (strafe/camera pans)
D: drive rightward (strafe/camera pans)

K: steer left
L: Line-up driving to orthogonal while on streets (useful for driving quickly while on streets, instead of slowing down traveling through buildings)
; Semi-colon: steer right

3 minutes to disinfect as much of the city as possible.

Virus spreads continually, but will not re-spread onto places previously infected-then-disinfected.

Goal: eliminate the illness as it spreads.  


Win: end 3 minutes of gameplay with more disinfections than remaining infections.

Lose: end 3 minutes of gameplay with more infections remaining than total disinfections.

Also lose: more than 1200 infections active at a time.

Multiple cultural awakenings triggered in 2016.  One, the blazing fires of  Fort McMurray Alberta,  inspired Rapid Fire, racing against a blazing fire to save people. That fire lead to zero loss of life.  Miracle? I like to think so, it takes true competency which is not very common.  It's a short road to forgetfulness, when returning to status-quo.

Fast forward to 2020, and the Sarscov2 spread is shifting life again, globally.  International politicing aside (although I have my thoughs), the real true heros for our time, and to be held up for great public honour are the front-line medical professionals. 

This is inspired by those who have put their lives on the line to help others.

Development log

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